Given name: kobieta Family name: N [nieznane]
pięćdziesięciokilkuletnia kobieta, która mieszkała w kryjówce znajomych autorki po aryjskiej stronie; nocowała w kuc...
pięćdziesięciokilkuletnia kobieta, która mieszkała w kryjówce znajomych autorki po aryjskiej stronie; nocowała w kuc...
29-letni mężczyzna; mieszkał w kryjówce po aryjskiej stronie, w której ukrywali się znajomi autorki; nocował w kuchn...
the landlord of the flat on the 'Aryan side' where the author's acquaintances were hiding; he was active in the unde...
the host of the flat on the 'Aryan side' where the author's acquaintances were hiding; she stole things from them; t...
an acquaintance of the author's acquaintances who were hiding; she was in the same hideout as them, but thanks to 'g...
a wealthy Jew; he was hiding in his friend's flat; after a few days, the flat was attacked by some bandits wearing m...
he helped his Jewish friend to leave the ghetto; he used to carry his friend's money and valuables to his own flat a...
osoba bliska autorce; mieszkał z nią w bloku mieszkalnym szopu w getcie w kwietniu 1943; ukrywali się w schronie w c...
the author's neighbour from a block of flats of the shop where she used to work in the ghetto in April 1943; he was...
a mother of two children: a 3-year-old and a 7-year-old (named Jerzyk); she placed them on the 'Aryan side': the you...