Given name: Wilhelm Marian Family name: Hendel
- Male
- Wilhelm Marian
- Hendel
- Haendel
In charge of hundred-people branch of the Judenrat police, superintendent of the Jewish Police. In 1940, a letter accusing him of crimes came, but he was not dismissed. He fought for influence and posts for his protégés from the former Order Service, which deprived him of authority in the Judenrat. He was responsible for the contacts with German authorities and for confirming the Order Service's statute. Szerynski suspects him of collaboration with Gestapo and relieved him from his responsibilities. In 1941, his protégés received bribes from the cemetery smuggle. In 1942, when the deportation started, he disappeared from the ghetto.
- Judenrat
Obedient to the Germans like a dog.
Adler, Stanislaw
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