Given name: Sura Family name: Herc
65 years old. The funeral organized by "Wiecznosc" Funeral Home.
65 years old. The funeral organized by "Wiecznosc" Funeral Home.
69 years old, funeral organized by the "Wiecznosc" Funeral Home.
61 years old. Funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'
24 years old. Funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'
Died, 36 years old. Buried in a Warsaw cemetary with his wife, mother and children.
69 years old. The funeral organized by the "Wiecznosc" Funeral Home.
81 years old, died. The funeral organised by the 'Wiecznosc' ('Necach-weemeth') Funeral Home and under M. Pinkiert's...
56 years' old, died. The funeral prepared by the Funeral Home"Eternity" (Biuro Pogrzebowe Wiecznosc).
64 years old, died. Funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'.
A certified beautician, still serves customers.