Given name: Icek Majer Family name: Grundland
Co-owner of property 12313.
Co-owner of property 12313.
Owner of property Mariampol 750 in the Blonie District.
dozorca domu przy ul. Dobrowoja 3, w którym Stefan Mikołajewski meldował Żydów; powodowany chciwością zgłosił się do...
Co-owner of properties: Kolonia Cieciszew in the Warsaw District and Kolonia Szkola in the Warsaw District.
Co-owner of property Trzy Wille: Sosnowka, Emilianow and Gorne in the Warsaw District.
Owner of property Willa No. 1 (which was part of property Wille Otwockie) in the Minsk District.
Owner of property Willa Pasaz in the Minsk District.
Co-owner of properties: 1411. 1244-A and 1117 O.
Co-owner of properties 1411. 1244-A and 1117 O.
Co-owner of property Willa Lasowka in the Warsaw District.