Given name: Hudesa Family name: Gelbfisz
58 years old, funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'
58 years old, funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'
54 years old, died
Ksiądz prałat, proboszcz kościoła Wszystkich Świętych na pl. Grzybowskim 3/5. W trakcie okupacji hitlerowskiej udost...
Filozof, rozmówca Nico Rost'a któremu opowiadał o Korczaku. Rozpatruje jego postać, jako symbol bojownika walczącego...
In January 1943 the author left the ghetto, was hiding in Konstancin, Milanowek and was persecuted by blackmailers....
Author's (Sophie Goetzel-Leviathan's) brother. Dies during a bombing, wounded by a shrapnel.
In September 1939 lived in Warsaw, Ciepla Street No. 26; after the war in Warsaw, Senatorska Street No. 43
In September 1939 lived in Warsaw, Wilcza Street No. 9a, flat 7; after the war in Warsaw, Wilcza Street No. 9a, flat 7
In September 1939 lived in Warsaw, Szpitalna Street No. 5, after the war in Warsaw, Wilcza Street No. 9a, flat 7
In September 1939 lived in Warsaw, Szpitalna Street No. 5; after the war in Warsaw, Wilcza Street No. 9a, flat 7