Given name: Z Family name: Frydman (6)
Gave a speech at M. Kaminer's grave on behalf of the Orthodox Jews. Schools Patronage representative - spoke out at...
Gave a speech at M. Kaminer's grave on behalf of the Orthodox Jews. Schools Patronage representative - spoke out at...
before the war he was the general secretary of Agudat Israel in Poland and he headed orthodox schooling; he was a ta...
Put his signature under the memorial concerning the care for the remains of the poor Jews - March 1942
pre-war general secretary of the orthodox party Agudas Israel; 15 June 1941 he resigns from (social) work in the Jud...
a Judenrat member
Popular and wise speaker during the meetings of the intelligentsia and activists of the Warsaw Ghetto
an 'Aryan-looking' activist of the Bund; he was sent by the organisation to investigate the destination of transport...
came from a Hassidic family, finished a CISzO (Central Jewish School Organization) school, a Bund activist. A partic...
From the "Bund". Worked in a ironworker's workshop, which was his "hideout". When R. Auerbach wa...
5-12-42 r. był na cmentarzu podczas katolickiego pogrzebu Giny Klepfisz. Po aryjskiej stronie żył czas dłuższy, zdąż...