Given name: Paulina Family name: D
- Female
- Paulina
- D
- 1889
a Jewess, for over 20 years she ran with her first husband (and after his death - alone) a company assembling and selling German Junghaus watches. She widowed in 1931 and became Christian then. Just before the war, she married a Pole, senior engineer. Her company was destroyed in September 1939. In 1940, with several other ladies, she opened a consignment clothing store at Wspolna Street. As a wife of an Aryan, using his Aryan name, she didn't have any problems with her descent; moreover, she had a certificate from Junghans company, confirming that she is an Aryan and she could run the shop officially. When once summoned by the Kripo (Kriminalpolizei) and accused that too many Jews is wandering around her store, she hedged skilfully and continued running the store. She helped many Jews, including the Chaskelewicz family - she found Chaskielewicz and his mother a flat in Poznanska Street. She helped them financially, she also helped other Jews. She placed 10 Jews in different houses. She sent parcels to Auschwitz. She smuggled food into the ghetto.
- trade, Poles
friend from young age of Chaskielewicz's mother
- 58,61,142-151
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