Given name: Unknown Family name: Brand (21)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) Male
  • (2) Karl,Georg , (3) Karl , (6) Karl , (8) Karl Georg , (14) Karl , (20) Karl Georg , (21) Georg
  • (1) Brand , (2) Brandt , (3) Brandt , (4) Brandt , (5) Brandt , (6) Brandt , (7) Brandt , (8) Brandt , (9) Brandt , (10) Brandt , (11) Brandt , (12) Brandt , (13) Brandt , (14) Brandt , (15) Brandt , (16) Brandt , (17) Brandt , (18) Brandt , (19) Brandt , (20) Brandt , (21) Brandt
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) No information
  • (1)

    A member of the Gestapo. SS-Untersturmfuehrer.


    deputy of the Gestapo head, Gerhard Mende for Jewish Matters; one of the most bloody butcher in the Warsaw ghetto; he commanded the selection of all the Jewish social activists


    During the selection of Aschman's shop he pardoned mother and daughter. The mother was to be deported, the daughter wanted to go with her. Brandt allowed them to return to work.


    An SS commander in the ghetto.


    An SS-man, a German.


    Jewish affairs commissar in the Gestapo. In mid-December 1942 he visited with Mende the orphanage at Dzika Street No. 3. He kindly showed interest in the conditions in the orphanage. He told the tutors, that children are their future. The following day children were deported to the Umschlagplatz.


    SS-Untersturmfuehrer, head of the Befehlstelle, clerk for the Jewish affairs from Szucha Avenue already before the deportation action, in fact he headed the action in the field and after its finish he remained the spokesman for Jewish affairs, he came to the ghetto every day for a few hours; of medium-height, obese, ca. 45 years old, a very unkind face, always sullen, folds of skin under his eyes


    the Gestapo - the chief of the Judenreferat


    One of the main leaders of the Gestapo and SS, he visited Otwock on 18 August 1942. He was outraged that a lot of Jews had beards, and that the ghetto had no wall; head of Befehlstelle.


    deportation staff


    SS-Untersturmfuehrer; the head of Jewish Section in the Warsaw SS in 1942; 12 September he announced to the chairman of the Judenrat, M. Lichtenbaum, the end of the deportation action (Umsiedlung Aktion)


    He was the head of Jewish affairs in the Gestapo.


    'A fat hit man'


    SS-Obersturmführer, referent do spraw żydowskich w warszawskim gestapo; autorka kreśli jego fizjonomiczny portret: nagle na ulicę do zgromadzonych ludzi przyjeżdża "wspaniałą limuzyną" Niemiec "w starszym wieku, o zaróżowionej, inteligentnej twarzy. To była dobroduszna twarz, a zachęcający uśmiech błąkał się koło ust". To był osławiony Karl Brandt. " His looks served to illustrate just how deceptive appearances could sometimes be".


    ca. 45 years old, there was something cunning in his face.


    an Untersturmfuehrer


    Od paźdz. 39 do kwietnia 43r. kierownik referatu żydowskiego w komendzie SS w Al. Szucha. Podporucznik. Ok. 50 lat, atletycznej budowy, pełnej twarzy, zwisających brwiach, podkrążone oczy, wydatny, rzymski nos, brunet, siwiejący na skroniach. Sprawiał wrażenie inteligenta. Energiczny. Nazywany przez podwładnych "Der Chef". Lubili i bali się go. Był właściwym panem getta. W lipcu 42r. zjawił się niespodziewanie na posiedzeniu Gminy w 70-te urodziny Gepnera. Powiedział jubilatowi kilka miłych słów.22lipca 42r. przybył o 12 do KSP i polecił uprzątnąć sekretariat na siedzibę SS.




    He was present during the selection in K.G. Schultz's shop, at the beginning of September 1942. His fiancée was Miss Geiger.


    deputy head of the 'Jewish' department (IV B4, SD); [he was not tried, dead - list of the Main Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes (GK BZH), appendix 10]


    in the first months of the war he headed the Department of Jewish Labour of Warsaw Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst, SD), later....

  • (3)

    The pardoned girl was called Ruta - she was Anna Wattenberg's friend.


    fragments printed in


    Short, stocky, with a bloated face and a whip in his hand. He liked to smash children's heads by hitting them against a wall.


    a German

  • (3)

    Berg, Mary Dziennik z getta warszawskiego (Warsaw Ghetto Diary)


    Baruch Goldman, 75 dni w płonącym getcie warszawskim (75 Days in the Burning Warsaw Ghetto)


    Barski, Jozef Przezycia i wspomnienia z lat okupacji (Experiences and Memoirs of the Occupation)


    Warm, Ber; fragments of testimonies in: Michal Grynberg, Words to Outlive Us: Eyewitness Accounts from the Warsaw Ghetto, transl. Philip Boehm, Picador, New York, 2003.


    Tyszka, Leon; Sukcesy i kleski jednego zycia (Successes and Failures of One Life)


    Bryskier, Henryk fragments of testimonies in: Michal Grynberg, Words to Outlive Us: Eyewitness Accounts from the Warsaw Ghetto, transl. Philip Boehm, Picador, New York, 2003.


    Cyprys, Ruth; Skok dla życia. Pamiętnik z czasów okupacji Polski


    Reicher, Edward; W ostrym swietle dnia. Dziennik zydowskiego lekarza 1939-1945 (In Broad Daylight. A Diary of a Jewish Doctor 1939 - 1945)


    N, N


    Schmidt, Leokadia; Cudem przezyliśmy czas zagłady (We Miraculously Survived the Holocaust)


    Czerniakow, Adam; Adama Czerniakowa dziennik getta warszawskiego. 6 IX 1939 - 23 VII 1942, (The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow)

  • (1) 32, 43, (2) .71,277, (3) [s., 208], (4) 121, (6) [s., 33], (7) [8,10,11], (8) [51], (9) 92,126,148,202, (10) 14,27,107, (11) , str. 74, 75cz.2 str.33, (12) 124,219, (13) [230], (15) 49, (16) 50, (17) [s., 111,, 118,, 121,, 124,, 131,, 152,, 206,, 207], (18) 122, (19) s. 60, 62, (20) 64;102, (21) 46