Given name: Jurek Family name: Błones
- Male
- Jurek
- Błones
- Bloness
- 1920
- after 13 May 1943
The author's school mate, one of the members of the uprising. He was taken to the Umschlagplatz with his younger brother Lusiek. They escaped from the train to Treblinka and returned to the ghetto. He was the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) member in the brush factory. During the Second Action he passed to the 'Aryan side', in order to speed up the deliveries of weapon. Wladka's 'contact' in the ghetto, he collected parcels from her. Together with his brother, sister and a friend he was to be hid after the uprising in Pludy, in the house of a peasant. They were betrayed by the landlord and arrested. Afterwards they were driven around Pludy and nearby villages, with a disgraceful sign informing, that they were Jewish criminals. They were all murdered.
- activists
During the First Action he was 22. Dark-haired, pale, in damaged clothes. In another fragment Wladka wrote, that he had short, blond hair.
- 60-61,136,155,167,169,198,199
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