Given name: Unknown Family name: Bliźniaczki Roth
The lived with their father, a widower. During his absence, they were deported.
The lived with their father, a widower. During his absence, they were deported.
He lived in one apartment with the Davids and his wife. Before the war he studied philosophy at the Sorbonne. In 193...
She lived in one apartment with the Davids and her husband. Before the war she studied at the Sorbonne. In 1939 she...
Sąsiad Janka Kostańskiego.
Jakub's father
Córka brata pana Ajzyka Wierzbickiego.
Urodzona w 1926 r. w Koninie. Razem z Żydami wysiedlonymi z rodzinnego miasta przybyła do Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego....
kierownik szopu krawieckiego Többensa na ul. Leszno, na początku wysiedlenia uchodził za człowieka względnie ludzkie...
During the German occupation, he received help from Mr and Mrs Trojanowski; Aryan documents, hideout on the 'Aryan s...
podczas okupacji niemieckiej otrzymał pomoc od państwa Trojanowskich: aryjskie dokumenty, kryjówkę po stronie aryjsk...