Given name: Raphael Family name: Buchweitz
Mathematician, metallurgist, philosopher, historian. The director of a private Jewish school.He was killed by the Ge...
Mathematician, metallurgist, philosopher, historian. The director of a private Jewish school.He was killed by the Ge...
Raphael Buchweitz's wife. After the first deportation action she committed suicide by taking poison.
A commissar, Ziuta's neighbour.
a tram driver.
Kierownik grupy Rzemiosło w grupie Gospodarka Przemysłowa i Komunikacja. Przewodniczący rady nadzorczej ZFH.
The husband, wife and daughter of about 16, lived with Henryk G. and his wife, and with one more family, between 11...
A guard working at the gate of the ghetto in Cracow.
Co-owner of property "Willa Majatek' in the Minsk District.
A poet and folk singer. He performed under the pseudonym Gebirtig. A craftsman.
A doctor, who heels Weichert after he got injured.