Given name: Tosia Family name: Altman
- Female
- Tosia
- Altman
- 1918-08-24
- end of May 1943
- Włocławek
- Warszawa
- From Warsaw
- Jewish
a Haszomer Hacair instructor, from 1938 in the central command. From 1939 to 1940, she recruited for the organisation in the cities of the General Government. In 1941, with Lea Koziebrodzka, she organised self-defence groups in the Vilna ghetto. In 1942, she visited ghettos in Grodno, Bialystok and in Silesia; later she wrote reports about the situation of the Jewish communities there. On 8 May 1942 she was in the bunker at Mila Street No. 18 - when the Germans attacked, she managed to cross to the bunker at Franciszkanska Street No. 22. At night, from 8 to 9 May, she left the ghetto by sewers with a group of several insurgents. The fighters hid in the forest in Lomianki, where they waited to be transferred to partisan units. Tosia came back to Warsaw after a few days. She hid with other members of Haszomer Hacair in the photographic films factory in Praga, in 11 Listopada Street. On 24 May, fire burst there, 8 people died, including 3 survivors from Mila Street No. 18. Heavy wounded Tosia was turned in by a Polish policeman to the Germans and died a few days later.
- the rich
- 142-143
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