David meets with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt. They...
David meets with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt. They offer him a deal. Before moving to the ghetto they burried a hundred 20-dollar gold pieces and a small bag of diamonds. If David gets those for them, they will split everything in two. David agrees.
- 1942-01-00
- 1942-01-00
- the first week of January
- in the ghetto
- business
- atmosphere, the rich, the 'Aryan' side
Related sources:
The memories of David Gilbert are written by Tim Shortridge and Michael D. Frounfelter.
- 99-100
Related people:
Gilbert Goetzel
In Paris he met his wife-Sophie. He and Sophie left Germany in 1935 to escape anti-Semitism and the Nazis. They move...
Before moving to the ghetto they buried some diamonds and money. If David Gilbert brings those for them, they will s...
Gilbert Goetzel