On the Aryan side Rose felt like a hunted animal. She phoned her husband every day. He would wait at the telephone a... Event date: 1942
On the playground Janina met other girls her age and together they formed an acrobatic group. It was Janina's way of... Event date: 1942 - 1942
On the second day of her work on the "Aryan side", on the way back to the ghetto, Zofia steps out of the c... Event date: 1943-02 - 1943-02
Once a month Mother Superior goes to visit Eric. She always brings a parcel of food for Janina and some letters, tel... Event date: 1944 - 1944
One day Adam i cought in a 'Jew hunt'. He is forced to clear away snow for the whole day. This was a humiliation for... Event date: 1940-02 - 1940-02
One day in early February Zofia joins a labour brigade assigned to work on the "Aryan side". The only valu... Event date: 1943-02 - 1943-02
One day two girls, who escaped from the ghetto move in with Zofia and Miss Okonska. Zofia was glad, because at last... Event date: 1943-02 - 1943-02
One day Zofia put on her glasses on the street in order to check the price of one of the items displayed in a shop w... Event date: 1944 - 1944
One of the cemetery employees runs up to Adam - ' Did you here the shooting?...this is a mass klling operation, Mich... Event date: 1942-08-06 - 1942-08-06
Onegdaj idący o 5 -ej rano na służbę na ul. Niskiej porządkowy-sekcyjny nr 456, Hopenfeld, zatrzymał podejrzanie wyg...